Buy A Home
Three Easy Steps (I Promise)
Step 1: If your obtaining a mortgage contact your Mortgage Lender for a pre-qualification. If your using cash obtain proof of funds to submit with offers to purchase.
Step 2: Start having fun previewing homes! Select the Real Estate Agent you would like to meet under the about us tab and contact them for a phone consultation or in person meeting. Use the search engines below, E-mail the MLS numbers and dates/times you want to preview them to your Alpha Dimension Properties agent and we will set up the showings. Please let your agent know if you would like to meet at the properties or have them pick you up to preview properties.
Step 3: When you have found that PERFECT property we will help you determine the best offer price and the many components of an offer to insure your best interests are obtained and even exceeded! We will generate comparable reports and review them with you to determine the best offer price prior to writing and submitting the offer.
Typical Ways Properties Are Located To Preview:
- The consumers portal to the MLS
- HUD Listing Search
Know your location, price range and property types prior to using these tools. For instance on the MLS you will want to select the button for "More Search Options" and on the second detailed search page select "single family homes" under the "Type". On the HUD website you will want to make sure and select the pull down menu for "Buyer Type" and select "Owner Occupy". Investors can not bid on HUD properties until they have been listed for "Owner Occupy" for a period of time.
If you are a seasoned investor feel free to use the above steps. If you would like some guidance on understanding "Investment Analysis" please use the link below.
The real estate professional's task is to help provide investors with the information they need to make a decision. Investors must decide for themselves whether or not an investment in real estate is right for them. Always seek professional tax and legal advice before choosing real estate as an investment.